Sabato 17 dicembre nella chiesta della Corte Ospitale di Rubiera (RE) si è svolta una serata di grande interesse culturale nel corso della quale autori di vario genere, scrittori, attori, musicisti, sono stati invitati a interpretare “vasto pensiero poetico contemporaneo sul trinomio uomo-territorio-narrazione”. Ogni interprete ha avuto a disposizione 10 minuti di tempo. Fabio Bonvicini e Marco Mainini coadiuvati dalle altre due pive di Fabio Vetro e Gino Pennìca, han intrattenuto il pubblico con l'esecuzione della Gavotta di Corelli e le Pive dopo la lettura di frasi con agomento Piva di autori e personaggi di grande rilievo storico ben interpretate da Bonvicini.
Saturday December 17th in the request of the Hospital Court of Rubiera (RE), an evening of great cultural interest was performed in the course of which various authors, writers, actors, and musicians were invited to interpret “vast contemporary poetic thoughts on the trinomial man-land-narration. Every interpreter had a ten-minute disposition. Fabio Bonvicini and Marco Mainini assisted by two other bagpipes, Fabio Vetro and Gino Pennica, entertained the audience with the execution of Gavotta by Corelli and the bagpipes after the reading of sentences with argument bagpipe authors and characters of great historical importance to be well interpreted by Bonvicini.
Saturday December 17th in the request of the Hospital Court of Rubiera (RE), an evening of great cultural interest was performed in the course of which various authors, writers, actors, and musicians were invited to interpret “vast contemporary poetic thoughts on the trinomial man-land-narration. Every interpreter had a ten-minute disposition. Fabio Bonvicini and Marco Mainini assisted by two other bagpipes, Fabio Vetro and Gino Pennica, entertained the audience with the execution of Gavotta by Corelli and the bagpipes after the reading of sentences with argument bagpipe authors and characters of great historical importance to be well interpreted by Bonvicini.