Tiolix e Fron son stati nuovamente invitati ad esibirsi per le strade di Formigine e oltre alla consueta bella accoglienza da parte degli astanti sono stati intervistati da TRC. Fronn ha parlato diffusamente dello strumento e poi sono stati suonati per i telespettatori della nota tv privata Modenese sia Lillibullero che Stella Vicentina.
Wednesday the 8th of December
Tiolix and Fron interviewed by TRC. Tiolix and Fron were invited to perform on the streets of Formigine again and in addition to the normal beautiful reception they received by the audience and bystanders, they were interviewed by TRC. Fron talked extensively about the instruments, which were then played for tv viewers of the private Modenese television station, both Lillibullero and Star Vicentina.